Wednesday, October 3, 2007

ITSS survey result

17 responses have been received. 11 faculty and staff indicated their interest in learning basic HTML code and webdesign with Frontpage/Dreamweaver, ten people selected Camtasia Studio 3, and eight showed interest in exploring Electronic Portfolio.

Camtasia Studio 3
Digital Storytelling, Frontpage/Dreamweave
Electronic Portfolio
Camtasia Studio 3
Digital Storytelling, Frontpage/Dreamweave,Electronic Portfolio
Frontpage/Dreamweaver, Electronic Portfolio
Camtasia Studio 3,Frontpage/Dreamweaver, Electronic Portfolio
Camtasia Studio 3
Camtasia Studio 3, Electronic Portfolio
Camtasia Studio 3, Frontpage/Dreamweaver, Electronic Portfolio
Digital Storytelling, Frontpage/Dreamweaver, Electronic Portfolio
Camtasia Studio 3, Frontpage/Dreamweaver
Camtasia Studio 3, Frontpage/Dreamweaver
Camtasia Studio 3, Digital Storytelling, Frontpage/Dreamweaver, Electronic Portfolio

Camtasia Studio 3

Additional Comments:

  • Software to create Video Podcast&Animation
  • It's definitely the only way to go for distance courses, but I would like to make full use of what we have to offer.
  • Basic HTML to code my pages
  • Collaboration tools that let me help students at a distance with their homework. Web logs to capture notes, problems and solutions to problems, so that the next class can learn from the previous class and where they left off.
  • Blackboard is not accessible to the blind at this time. That is why I'm not presently using it. I hope that you take into consideration the accessibbility of the software to the blind while deciding on new software.
  • Each 'smart classroom' has different equipment with different controls. We need to standardize.
  • I cannot answer question 1 because I use Blackboard to enhance the classroom experience by using many of its features, but not as a full online class -- I use it for a hybrid course and to enhance the trraditional classroom experience.

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