Friday, August 13, 2010


Because simulations simplify reality or amplify details, they can be more conducive to learning than some real environments. They have the advantages of convenience, safety, and controllability over real experiences, and they are useful for giving learners experiences that are otherwise impossible.

Fidelity is one of many factors to consider when design a simulation game. To what degree that the level of fidelity affects initial learning and transfer of learning? How closely the simulation should imitate the reality?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Multimedia Programs

Multimedia programs have become more and more popular in use to support both classroom teaching and online learning. To identify and select one among many others, or even design/develop one that most fit specific learners, presentation of objectives and information presenting type are two core elements that need special attentions. Although many programs inform the learner of objectives in purely behavioral form, not all adhere to this practices. Presenting objectives, whether behavioral or not, can enhance learning by promoting satisfaction, which may also motivate learners. Rules and principles are important forms of information delivered in science and social sciences, and they are often taught in one of two ways: rule-example (expository method) or example-rule approach. Many educators believe that expository method is more efficient for low-ability learners, whereas the example-rule approach is better for more able learners. But the definition for "low-ability" or "more able" is often vaguely defined.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Merit of Online Quiz

Quiz is one of the common forms of assessment critical to gaining an understanding of instructional and learning outcome. Quiz can be used to identify what students had known before instruction, to assess their acquired knowledge during instruction, and measure what students have gained at the end of instruction. Needless to say, online quiz allow students to take the test anywhere they prefer, maybe at anytime on specific days, and maybe with multiple attempts. However, how could we ensure the authenticity of test result without a proctored testing method? Several techniques may be combined to overcome online quiz limitations and enhance its advantages:
  • Include short answer and essay items,
  • ask students to write brief reflection on or critique each quiz they took,
  • create a quiz portfolio,
  • and have students sign/insert their signatures upon submitting the quiz.

Monday, August 9, 2010

simulation, problem solving, drill and practice

Educational computer games have become a center topic as to how effective they are in facilitating actual learning. My personal opinion is that real learning occurs when design a game, while playing a game helps developing or reinforcing certain skills. That is said, games are aimed to target all aspects of motivation: Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction, and incorporating several formats is necessary for effective experience.

Is an experienced game player able to transfer the motivation of playing to motivation of learning (the mastery of knowledge)? If we agree with the notion that "learn through play", could a child experience learning by methods other than playing?

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Fact of Learning

Learning occurs during information process. I don't think technology could facilitate how one's brain process the acquired information, but only stimulate all senses to receive certain information. Thus, meaningful technology integration should be effective methods of information presentation and demonstration.

Under this assumption, we must distinguish "skill training" and "knowledge acquisition" when we plan and select right technology tools. Most importantly, we must be clear about what we assess when we design/create assessment instruments. Otherwise, we may end up training a person's response speed, rather than assisting him/her with information obtainment. For example, a computer-assisted instructional program allows users to identify the correct anser to a math question and click it with the mouse, and then the immediate feedback is supplied. Performance levels of users are evaluated and more challenging programs can be introduced after correct response to simple problems is demonstrated. It sounds like a standard computer game simulation commonly adopted by educators; however, this type of educational games evaluate nothing but the speed of information processing and the level of responding demonstrated by the player. I don't think it actually facilitates understanding of a math concept, but only improves one's responding skill to this particular game problem.